Reconditioned Roller Mills
We recondition our mill, or your mill – any brand
Including: Roskamp, Henke, Buffalo, Automatic, Peerless, Davis, Harvestor, etc.
Roskamp Model K, 9 x 18 Two Pair High Roller Mill photo for example only, unit sold
Roller Mills provide precision processing of feed grains. They deliver uniformly reduced grain – every particle alike – with an extremely low percentage of fines.
Create a more palatable feed for livestock! Create a more profitable feed for every feeding situation!
 * Capacities vary from 30 to 3600 bph.
 * The rolls are hardened, and will roll thousands of bushels before needing re-corrugated.
 * Rolls can be corrugated to suit the job.
 * Roll adjustment is easy.
 * Equipped with extra strong, high quality V-belts.
See examples of our past rebuilds – pictures on this page.
About our Reconditioning
Each reconditioned machine has new belts and bearings.
Each machine is disassembled, sandblasted, painted; the worn parts are replaced, and then the machine is re-assembled with new decals.
We can recorrugate the rolls to your needs or specifications.
Differential drives can be added for a finer rolled finished product. This allows the idler roll and the drive roll to be positively driven at different speeds. Then you get the desired grinding effect needed for increased particle reduction.